Monday, December 17, 2007

Interior Rendering

I did an interior rendering within 3ds max; am working on an exterior shot and will finalize that if circumstances allow. Important to note that this was a rendering and lighting exercise; the only pieces I modeled (and not even for this project) are the skull and the statue in the back.

I went through a number of lighting schemes to come up with the one that works best, including Area Lights, various Daylight Systems, Skylights, Global Illumination, Final Gather, and various combinations thereof. In the end, the room is illuminated by a Mental Ray daylight system using GI and Final Gather. Textures are all Arch & Design materials, several using bitmaps to control glossiness and other attributes. This was the result of a lesson structure from this excellent site:

Monday, December 10, 2007

Golf Club!!!!!

Okay folks... a golf club for a job I'm hoping to land. Given a club, told to model and shade it. Here's what came out.
Notes: Shaded mostly with procedurals in max. Modeled polygonally.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Tully Monster Finished

... as is the film that he was created for. I'll post the film soon enough, but not before its first screening. For now, I've got a one and a half minute spiel about two main FX shots in the film. Some breakdowns, layers, etc. Obviously there was more to it, but it'd be pretty lame if I wasted time showing how I matched grain and black levels and other exciting things.
BTW, the music playing in the background is a techno remix of the Jurassic Park theme. It's a bastardization of the theme of my favorite film, but somehow, it's pleasing. Booya.