Tuesday, April 24, 2007

No One Update

Good news: the film kicks. Hardcore. Eerie, creepy, and unsettling, all within 7 or so minutes.
Bad news: more and more CG is being cut from it. While I 100% agree with the decision, it seems that the CG head is no longer necessary for the movie. Therefore, I plan to finish the head and do some sort of project with it for my own experience.
The CG fly shot remains. I need to add flies buzzing around a bloody foot locker. Modeling flies now, will add progress of that shortly. For now, please amuse yourself with our FX test for the CG head. The first clip shows the background plate and CG element without any compositing. The second clip shows the finished test, comped by Joe Grochocki (jgrochocki57@aol.com). Enjoy.