So begins the first round of modeling for my ruined background plates. It depicts a portion of a ruined palace. I wanted to get it as close the original photo (seen as the first image) as possible but I did not religiously follow it. I now plan on exporting it to ZBrush and painting in some cracks, bullet holes, and other miscellaneous destruction. This will be an interesting exersize since I've never used ZBrush for a project before... only done a few tutorials with it thus far. I plan on using it to add some decent detail but will not go crazy with it as I plan on adding the finest detail level with hi-rez textures.
As the original photo is quite blurry and grainy, I will use other reference of battle damage to rough this up. Like I said, I don't plan on following any single image to the dot.
Wish me luck!
So why are you jumping into Zbrush?
Just because you can doesn't always mean you should.
Is there an existing zbrush example or technique that you are targeting?
I want you to use your time well, that is why I ask.
I don't believe that this can carry the weight of this dome.
Will this be black and white or do you have some color samples of the materials you are going to create?
zbrush links from a colleague.
This is the general ZBrush wiki with some excellent tutorials.
This is the result of an “environment” search.
This is a good tutorial.
Part 1 of a basic environment workflow (very similar to what we do here).
part 2
those columns look to narrow.
so its been about 20 days since you posted this model ... what are you doing with this. Have you dropped this or you moving ahead? I want to see progress. Otherwise its disappointing.
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